A Beacon for Leading From Within Embrace Your Inner Power, Shed Conditioning, and Lead Consciously

Leading from within is no small feat.  It calls for fierce courage, adaptive mindset, deep compassion, curiosity, and an unshakable commitment to trusting yourself.  It's about recognizing that in each moment, we're either consciously leading or unconsciously misleading, and that choice defines our path.

In a world where conditioning often dictates our choices, I'm here to offer a different path.  My own journey has led me to explore and create practical and powerful tools to shed the layers of conditioning and rediscover the innate inner power and wisdom.

So, let's embark on this journey together.  It's time to lead consciously from within.


About me, Author, Executive Coach and Facilitator

Welcome to my corner of the web! I am a seasoned coach and facilitator with a passion for unlocking the innate wisdom and creativity within individuals and teams. I am known for my ability to catalyze positive mindset shifts, helping people transform their perspectives and achieve their goals.

As an advocate of leading from within, I am dedicated to creating a nurturing space where leaders and teams can collaboratively unravel intricate challenges, uncover innovative solutions, find clarity, and foster psychological safety for themselves and their communities. My approach is holistic, integrating the intellectual, emotional, and intuitive aspects of leadership and teamwork.

My journey is a testament to my values—living the work. I see my work not only as a tool but as a way of life, embodying the principles I teach in every aspect of my daily existence.

I draw inspiration from diverse sources: the strokes of a paintbrush, moments of meditation, the words I read and write, the coaching and facilitating I engage in, the art of conscious living, deep conversations, the sparkle in someone's eyes, and the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. These experiences fuel my passion and creativity, allowing me to bring fresh perspectives and deep insights to my coaching and facilitation practice.

Join me on a journey of growth and discovery, where we unlock your potential, foster a positive mindset, and lead from within. Together, we can create a transformative and empowering experience that resonates deeply with your core values and aspirations.

A woman with brown eyes and dark hair.

Practice and Experience

My coaching approach is a distinct blend of compassion, wisdom, and pragmatism, opening the door for my clients to perceive themselves and the world through fresh perspectives. I believe in the power of empathy and understanding, combined with practical strategies, to help individuals and teams unlock their full potential.

In my role as a facilitator, I orchestrate sessions that are known for their profound impact. These sessions foster transformation and collaboration, inspiring deep insights and meaningful shifts in behavior. My facilitation style is designed to create a safe and engaging environment where participants feel empowered to explore new ideas and embrace change.

I collaborate closely with leaders, assisting them in evaluating and harmonizing their personal values with their desired outcomes. Together, we co-create transformational strategies that pave the way for sustainable and meaningful results. By aligning their inner values with their external goals, leaders can navigate challenges more effectively and lead with greater authenticity and purpose.

My experience spans diverse industries and sectors, allowing me to bring a broad perspective and a wealth of knowledge to each coaching and facilitation engagement. I have worked with executives, teams, and organizations of all sizes, helping them achieve clarity, enhance performance, and cultivate a culture of continuous growth and development.

Through my practice, I am committed to empowering others to lead from within, fostering environments where individuals can thrive, innovate, and make a positive impact. Whether it's through one-on-one coaching, group facilitation, or strategic consulting, my goal is to inspire and support lasting transformation for my clients.

Certifications, Assessments, and Education

I am an ICF accredited coach with a degree in Eco Psychology and advanced certifications in coaching, cultural transformation, and leadership transformation. My unwavering commitment to ongoing learning and unlearning sets me apart as a trusted advisor and a catalyst for positive change. These qualifications, combined with my extensive experience, enable me to provide insightful assessments and tailored strategies that drive meaningful and sustainable growth.



  • ICF Coach ACC
  • Laser coaching Practitioner
  • Facilitator of Transformation
  • Transformation through Values
  • Professional Coach (CPC)
  • Culture Transformation Consultant (CTT)
  • Franklin Covey-Certified Trainer for Speed of Trust and Unconscious Bias
  • Vital Smarts Certification – Crucial Conversations/Accountability
  • Transpersonal Psychology Coach


  • EQ i-2.0
  • CSI (Change Style Indicator)
  • DiSC
  • Myer Briggs Certified (MBTI)
  • Energy Leadership Index – (ELI-MP)
  • Behaviors Analyst (CPBA)
  • Values Analyst (CPVA)
  • Tri-Metrix and DNA Analyst (CP Tri-Metrix HD)
  • TILT365 Assessment
  • Barrett Values Assessment
  • Leadership Circle
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Art of Resilience, is a testament to my unwavering belief in the extraordinary ability to break through limitationa and lead consciously.   

A book cover with water rippling on it.


Bliss is in Knowing the Self, is a personal mastery map for leading from the wisdom of the heart.    

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